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Neurological Alliance:

A collective voice for 80 different organisations, the Neurological Alliance home page is a good gateway to a large number of different charities and organisations dealing with neurological conditions

Teaching Trusts

There are three major neuroscience centres in the West Midlands. Trainees will rotate through eachone. The majority of trainees will also do some time at City and Sandwell and/or New Cross Hospital with on call commitments at UHB

Stroke in Stoke:

A really great educational website administrated by Dr Christine Roffe, one of the stroke physicians at University Hospital of North Midlands

Association of British Neurologists:

All neurology trainees should be members of the ABN. Attendance of the annual meetings will cover almost all of your clinical CPD points as a consultant. Membership also gets you the journal Practical Neurology and acces to eBrain a very thourough online learning resource run by the EAN.


The ABN also provides fellowships for promising researchers and sample questions for those prepapring for the specialist exam 


A phenomenal archive of radiology cases 

Brief Neurological Exam

This is a short video demonstrating what we feel are the essential elements of a general neurological examination. 


The video was based on protocol published by the AAN and developed through a local Delphi process; approval from 24 experienced neurologists in the West Midlands, so accurately reflects local practice.  

Health Education England:

Health Education England (HEE) oversee post-graduate medical training in England. The regional organisation for the West Midlands is (wait for it) Health Education West Midlands (HEWM).



What If...

This is not neurological, but it impossible to be serious all the time. Serious scientific answers to hypothetical questions...

eLearning for Healthcare:

This is a pretty good electronic learning resource (award-winning apparently) with modules on all sorts of things. I did the leadership one, which is good and somehow managed to sneak into the radiology one too (I only did the neuro bit) 



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