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It is a good idea to get involved with research somehow; either by undertaking a dedicted period of research out of programme or by helping out with research already taking place in the department in which you work in addition to your clinical work.

It is a good idea to get involved with research somehow; either by undertaking a dedicted period of research out of programme or by helping out with research already taking place in the department in which you work in addition to your clinical work.

Case Reports

One of the easiest ways to get some publications on your CV is a case report on an interesting patient.


In fact getting a case report published can be quite an ordeal I owe many grey hairs to the vagaries of formatting etc.


However presenting a poster at a meeting is something of a gimme. You can usually submit your abstract online, for free and with a word limit of 200 to 250 there is only so much time you can spend doing it.


I would advise that you seriously consider submitting a case abstract to the ABN Conference; the deadline for which is usually in February.


Guidelines for how to write a good case report abstract can be found on the CARE website which also provides a good structure for writing the full report, should your poster be well received.


When planning research a good background search is invaluable. The U.S National Institute of Health has an index of recognised key-words  Which you should use to search Pubmed and

Midlands Neuroscience Teaching and Research Fund

This is a charitable fund, based at University Hospital of Birmingham which will provide funding for neurology or neurosurgery research based in the West Midlands. It is a good source for people starting out with a small project which they are hoping to build into something that could command a bigger grant.


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