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Immunosupressive drugs are used in the treament of a variety of neuroinflammatory conditions. The dosage regimes and monitoring of these drugs can be complex. Below is a list of the commoner immunosupressive drugs used in Birmingham with links to pathways and shared care agreements (ESCA).


Note: Multiple Scelrosis (MS), the commonest inflammatory condition of the central nervous system, is treated with a very different set of drugs. Details of these disease modifying treatments (DMT) including their administration and side effects are shown on the  MS page.


Azathioprine ESCA Side-effects


Ciclosporin ESCA Side-effects


Cyclophospahmide Pathway McMillan


Methotrexate ESCA Side-effects McMillan


Mycophenolate ESCA Side-effects


Tacrolimus ESCA Side-effects


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